
HD44780 Gray 16*4 Character LCD Display

HD44780 Gray 16*4 Character LCD Display Module without Backlight

Display LCD de 16 x 4 caracteres basado en HD44780. No posee backlight y los caracteres son grises.


Peso: 0.040 Kg

Disponibilidad: Sin Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 21555.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


The driver IC of this 16*4 Character LCD Display Module is HD44780. it is Gray Character without Backlight. The pin breakout is the same as other LCD display but it don't have Backlight control pin and different array(Please see the Pin breakout picture). it is also very easy to control as there are a lot of Arduino tutorial to control it.


 PIN3  V0
 PIN4  Register selection, HIGH to Data selection, LOW to Instruction register
 PIN5  RW:HIGH to Write, LOW to Read
 PIN6  EN, When HIGH to LOW, Run instruction
 PIN7-14   8 bidirectional data line

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OpenHacks (01/04/2015 - 16:33)

Santiago, el PCB mide 80*60mm, y el display 60*35mm. Saludos!

Santiago (31/03/2015 - 13:20)

Hola, necesitaría saber las dimensiones del display. Muchas gracias