
SparkFun TeensyView


Módulo que te permite agregarle una pequeña pantalla a tu placa de desarrollo Teensy. La pantalla es del tipo OLED y viene en color blanco sobre negro.


Peso: 0.006 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 25666.00


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The SparkFun TeensyView brings you an easy way to add a small, white-on-black OLED to your Teensy development board. The 128x32 monochrome display is controlled with the popular SSD1306 IC, and is a great way to display debug information and to visualize data without the need for a serial terminal. The board matches the Teensy 3 form factor perfectly, and was designed from the ground up to be as flexible as possible while still being able to nest down into a low-profile addition for the Teensy.

The TeensyView comes with everything you need except the headers. Additionally, there are jumpers on one side of the board that allow you to configure how the OLED communicates with the attached Teensy. Since this is a headerless board, you have the option to solder on whatever type of header best fits your needs.


Teensy Guide

Drawing Bitmaps

OLED Memory Map

GitHub - Arduino Library 


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