
Solid State Relay - 40A (3-32V DC Input)

Solid State Relay - 40A (3-32V DC Input)

Relé de estado sólido con bornes aislados, soporta 380VAC con corriente de 40A, voltaje de control de 3 a 32VDC.


Peso: 0.132 Kg

Disponibilidad: En Stock

Su correo electrónico:

ARS 21857.00


El producto no está disponible para la venta en este momento


A solid state relay (SSR) allows you to control high-curent AC loads from lower voltage DC control circuitry. Solid state relays have several advantages over mechanical relays. One such advantage is that they can be switched by a much lower voltage and at a much lower current than most mechanical relays. Also, because there's no moving contacts, solid state relays can be switched much faster and for much longer periods without wearing out.

This particular SSR can switch current loads of up to 40A with a 3-32V DC input. Each one of these relays is equipped with four screw terminals (for use with ring or fork connectors) and a plastic cover that slides over the top of the relay to protect the terminals.


  • Trigger Current: 7.5mA/12V
  • Control Voltage: 24-380V AC
  • Input Voltage: 3-32V DC


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